Steampunk (WW2 VR Shooter)

Game Genre

VR | shooter | WW2 | sci-fi | Singleplayer | Multiplayer | CO-OP | Storytelling




Release Date


Tasks I cover(ed)

Level/Map concepts & designs, test level creations, weapon concepts, sotry elements and more

The Story

The working title for this game was Steampunk. It offered a unique twist on World War II, where the Allied forces battled both German troops and an invading alien race known as the Dargellians, who used portals to conquer Earth. This narrative drew inspiration from Stargate and War of The Worlds.

In the game's storyline, players assumed the role of an American soldier aiding the French resistance against both human and Dargellian forces. The Dargellians were equipped with steampunk-like technology, including formidable walkers.

Initially planned as the studio's largest production, unfortunately, development on the game ceased when the studio closed its doors.

Singleplayer Level Concepts

One advantage of having a finished story before starting the production is that you can create the level concepts for it based on that story. I've created probably 90% of the needed concepts for the Singleplayer, and in addition a couple of multiplayer map concepts.

I created the concepts in Adobe Illustrator and used roughly the same format for all levels.

Weapon System Concepts

In Steampunk we liked to have a cool system with a lot of attachments and parts for the weapons of the game. We sort of created this in D-Day Enhanced, but it was very limited.

The First Map

At the time, it seemed likely that we would bring the Steampunk concept to life as a full-fledged game. Once we had developed the storyline and mapped out our ideas, we were eager to see how one of our concepts would materialize with the assets at our disposal. The Forest map was chosen for this initial visualization, and below you can view two videos showcasing its progress. It's important to note that the map was only 50% complete at this stage, lacking certain assets, sound effects, lighting, gameplay elements, and other features.